Sunday 9 October 2011

Henry VI

Henry VI

House / Group: Lancaster
Born / died: 

The only child of  Henry V and Catherine of Valois (daughter of King Charles VI of France). His father died when Henry was a few months old and the country was ruled by regency government until he was crowned at the age of 8. His mother Catherine later married Owen Tudor and their children included Edmund who's son became Henry VII.
Henry married Margaret of Anjou. (Charles VII of France’s niece), a political move intended to ease the relationship with France, and agreed, rather than receiving a dowry, to relinquish lands in France. Henry proceeded to lose more French territory in conflict. Henry lapsed into mental breakdown and the strongest noble,  Richard Duke of York (father of Edward IV and Richard III) was named Protector of the Realm for part of 1454.
The lack of leadership from Henry gave rise to the Wars of the Roses, where the competing houses of Lancaster and York fought for supremacy. Henry was deposed by his cousin Edward who became Edward IV.
Henry escaped but was captured in 1465, imprisoned in the Tower. Opposing forces freed him and restored him to the throne briefly in 1470, but Edward regained power, Henry returned to the Tower and was murdered in 1471.
He was first buried in Chertsey Abbey, then in 1485 moved to St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle.

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