House / Group: Stuart
Born / died: 1566-1625
Reign: 1603-1625
also James VI of Scotland
The eldest son of Mary I (Mary Queen of Scots) and her second husband, Henry Stuart, Duke of Albany.
He married Anne of Denmark in 1589 and they had 7 named children (Henry, Elizabeth, Margaret, Charles (I), Robert, Mary and Sophia), three surviving infancy and one unnamed son stillborn. They separated after the death of Sophia. Some suggest that he was homosexual, based largely on the benefits showered upon male courtiers, but this has never been established.
He succeeded the last Tudor monarch, Elizabeth (who died unmarried and childless) as a fairly distant relation who had intentionally stayed in her favour and, although not next in line Under Henry VIII's will, was politically the strongest candidate.
James is generally regarded as one of the most intelligent monarchs: his reign coincided with a cultural peak (e.g. Shakespeare and Bacon) and James himself published scholarly works. He also authorised the standard English translation of the Bible, probably one of the most influential books (without qualification).
James died of ague (fever) and was buried in the Henry VII Lady Chapel of Westminster Abbey.
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